Sambhav Kadam Foundation

The Origin

There are about 2.6 million ex-servicemen, and approximately 60,000 armed forces personnel retire or are released from active service every year. Often, the career needs of retiring veterans or retired service personnel go unaddressed. This is where the Sambhav Kadam Foundation plays a crucial role

We aspire to assist veterans in upskilling within their passionate fields, guide them in crafting effective resumes, provide interview preparation, and ultimately help them secure the right job for professional growth and financial independence.

Elevating veterans through upskilling has become our foremost commitment, and we take pride in establishing a space dedicated to meeting all their educational needs. MILVEST, inaugurated on 15th August 2020, exclusively focuses on enhancing the skill sets of military veterans for a smooth transition

Our mission at MILVEST involves designing, creating, and delivering customized skilling solutions tailored to the unique needs of the military and veteran community. Admission to MILVEST is exclusively open to serving and retired soldiers (both Officers and non-officer categories), military spouses, military widows, and dependents.

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The Origin

There are about 2.6 million ex-servicemen, and approximately 60,000 armed forces personnel retire or are released from active service every year. Often, the career needs of retiring veterans or retired service personnel go unaddressed. This is where the Sambhav Kadam Foundation plays a crucial role

We aspire to assist veterans in upskilling within their passionate fields, guide them in crafting effective resumes, provide interview preparation, and ultimately help them secure the right job for professional growth and financial independence.

Elevating veterans through upskilling has become our foremost commitment, and we take pride in establishing a space dedicated to meeting all their educational needs. MILVEST, inaugurated on 15th August 2020, exclusively focuses on enhancing the skill sets of military veterans for a smooth transition

Our mission at MILVEST involves designing, creating, and delivering customized skilling solutions tailored to the unique needs of the military and veteran community. Admission to MILVEST is exclusively open to serving and retired soldiers (both Officers and non-officer categories), military spouses, military widows, and dependents.

Elevating Veterans

Each MILVEST program undergoes a rigorous internal research, design, and control process to ensure full maturity before its inaugural delivery.

Our commitment to excellence is further reinforced by frequent audits, ensuring flawless execution and a positive participant experience.

We maintain a steadfast focus on continuous innovation. Before receiving approval for delivery to veterans, every MILVEST program must successfully meet all six specified criteria concurrently.

Elevating Veterans

Each MILVEST program undergoes a rigorous internal research, design, and control process to ensure full maturity before its inaugural delivery.

Our commitment to excellence is further reinforced by frequent audits, ensuring flawless execution and a positive participant experience.

We maintain a steadfast focus on continuous innovation. Before receiving approval for delivery to veterans, every MILVEST program must successfully meet all six specified criteria concurrently.


Top-Tier    Partnerships

Comprehensive Learning Experience

Veteran-Centric Approach

Commitment to Excellence

Top-Tier Partnerships

Veteran Centric Approach

Commitment to Excellence

Comprehensive Learning Experience

The Collaborators

Col. Sabyasachi (R)

Indian Army Veteran

Captain Vinay (R)

30 Years at Indian Navy

Lt. Col. Vivek (R)

23 Years at Indian Army

Sonia Bout

15 Years in L & D

Indian Army Veteran

30 Years at Indian Navy

23 Years at Indian Army

15 Years in L & D